Monday, February 6, 2017

Shrimp in Lime Jello with Sour Cream and Cucumber? Oh, Yes!

This lime shrimp mold is not only scrumptious, but also pretty on a buffet.  I'm thinking for a Christmas or Mexican buffet, shrimp in lime jello with sour cream and cucumber offers color.  This lime shrimp mold seems to hold its shape, even though I made it in one large pyrex loaf pan while the recipe suggests 6-8 individual molds.  It slices and still holds its shape.

I'm holding lime shrimp mold beside this pic, and the real thing is much more green.

one package lime gelatin
one cup boiling water
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dry mustard
1 tablespoon prepared horseradish--I used several shakes of chili powder and garlic powder instead.
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 c. sour cream
1 tablespoon minced chives--I grated fresh onion on the cole slaw grater.
2 cups canned or cooked shrimp
1 c. drained shredded cucumber
1/4 c. minced parsley


Dissolve gelatin
in boiling water and let cool.

salt, mustard, horseradish, lemon juice, and sour cream.  I made a faux pas and did't let the gelatin cool enough before adding sour cream, so I had to transfer the mixture to a large bowl and whisk to incorporate the sour cream.  So, cool well.

to the consistency of egg whites.

chives, cucumber, shrimp, and parsley.  I used the chilling time to get the last four ingredients ready.  I used a 12-oz. bag of frozen cooked shrimp, medium size, thawed it in cool water, removed tails, checked to see that intestines were removed--they were clean--and cut each piece in two.  I was compelled to check the back of each shrimp because the last time I bought this same brand of shrimp, I had to clean them all.  Apparently, there is no consistency within a brand.  I got two cups of shrimp from the bag.  Be sure the curly little creatures aren't still hugging some ice--don't want to dilute your mold.  You'll have to feel each one and not just look at it.

I used the "knuckle buster" implement or manual cole slaw grater to grate the cucumber and onion.  You'll have to squeeze the grated cucumber in your hands to remove liquid.

Spoon into mold
or 6-8 individual molds.  Chill several hours until firm.  You can slice or unmold lime shrimp mold onto salads or use a knife to put slabs on crackers.  I just cut big slices for my main course.

There is good tv tonight, so what's for movie snacks?  I'm having shrimp in lime jello with sour cream and cucumber mold, and I'll pair it with guacamole and chips.  If I were displaying lime shrimp mold on a buffet, I'd put it on my chilled pewter tray and surround it with sliced avocado and tomato.  However you use it, you'll want to add shrimp in lime jello with sour cream and cucumber to your recipe file.

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